Literary category in the Honolulu Weekly Readers' Poll
Vote for your favorites in our local literary scene via Honolulu Weekly’s 20th Annual Readers’ Poll!
As the Weekly says in their article, it’s all the rage these days to run a “Best of” ballot. Every local magazine, and a number of websites and media agencies have all ran their own version of Honolulu or Hawaii’s best.
Now, aside from the Honolulu Weekly’s seniority on this topic (20 years!), what I like about their version of “Best of” is the inclusion of an entire ballot category devoted to the local literary scene. Just check out the excerpt on your right that I captured from this year’s ballot, which includes the following:
- Best local poet
- Best local fiction or nonfiction writer
- Best literary event
- Best local playwright
- Best local glossy magazine
- Best local author
- Best book about Hawaii
- Best local zine
I believe there’s no set time frame criteria for these topics (unless specifically stated), so you could vote for a hot, new author like Alexei Melnick or a classic favorite like Lois-Ann Yamanaka. Either way, please take the time to show our literary scene some love and give the people you feel deserve credit some recognition with your vote.
There are a lot of other interesting topics in the poll that might interest you including Nightlife, Arts and Culture, Retail, People, Street Fashion, Food and more. For your Literary votes to count, you’ll need to vote in some of these other categories as each ballot requires at least 20 entries to be valid. Vote soon, the deadline to submit your ballot is August 4th!
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