It’s time…it’s time…it’s Book End Time! Welcome to this week’s Book End, highlighting the week’s literary and library events here in Hawaiʻi.
Support our local literary scene and our local libraries by attending these events. Have a great weekend, everyone!
Anime Art Contest (November 1 – December 31)
Young adults in grades 6 through 12 are invited to submit artwork to Liliha Public Library prepared in anime style. The first 100 entrants will receive a free Manga instructional booklet. The deadline for contest entries is December 31; winners will be announced on January 12, 2013. The winners will receive fabulous prizes such as Pigma Sensei Pens, Canson Manga Fanboy Pocket Novels, a set of Copic markers, Anime Debut Studio and Manga Studio software, a Bamboo Pen, Prismacolor sets, and Kawaii Kon merchandise. Winning artwork will be on display at the Library.
Sakura of America, Kawaii Kon, Hawaiian Graphics, Smith Micro Software, Inc.; and the Friends of Liliha Public Library are sponsoring this year’s Anime Art Contest. For an entry form, contest rules, and more information, visit the library or call 587-7577.
[gn_divider /]Friday, November 2
Stories on Stilts and Other Tall Tales – Storyteller Ben Moffat will entertain the audience in a storytelling performance that will use stilts, masks and puppets. Ben has always been fascinated with masks. His home is filled with more than 200 varieties that he describes as intriguing and mystical. He has performed and taught nationally and internationally since 1986. Ben attended the University of Hawaii at Manoa to study Asian theatre and directing. While at UH, he performed Javanese dance and music, and appeared in English language productions of kabuki and noh drama. He was among the first troupe of foreigners invited to perform traditional opera in China. This 45-minute recommended for ages 5 and older. Ewa Beach Public & School Library (91-950 North Rd.); 10:30 A.M. For more info call 689-1204.
- Galliard String Quartet – The Galliard String Quartet, considered Hawaii’s premier string quartet, performs programs including the works of such favorite composers as Mozart, Hayden, Beethoven, Schubert, and Brahms. Music of the masters is the Galliard’s forte, but the group’s repertoire also includes Strauss waltzes. romantic interludes, light classics, Hawaiian music, popular music, and more. GSQ performs a repertoire of songs written by Queen Lili‘uokalani such as Aloha ‘Oe, Puia Ka Nahele, the Queen’s Prayer, and many more. The quartet consists of two violins, viola, and cello. The musicians that make up this quartet were all part of the now disbanded Honolulu Symphony. This 45-minute program is suitable for ages 5 and older. Kahului Public Library (90 School St.); 2:30 P.M. For more info, call 873-3097.
Hawaiian Music and Musicians book signing – Meet with John Berger, author of the definitive tome on Hawaiian music: Hawaiian Music and Musicians: An Encyclopedic History Berger carried on the legacy begun by Dr. George S. Kanahele in creating the de facto encyclopedic guide to Hawaiian music. Here’s the opportunity to talk story with John Berger, pick up a copy of the book and get it signed! Louis Pohl Gallery (1142 Bethel St.); 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. For more info, visit
- 50th Anniversary of Petroglyph Press – In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Petroglyph Press, a party is planned for Black & White Night (, Friday, Nov. 2.
Everyone is invited to Basically Books and Petroglyph Press in downtown Hilo to listen to live music, enjoy refreshments, enter a free drawing and meet artist and author Dietrich Varez, signing his books including Pele & Hi’iaka, and Hina, The Goddess. Basically Books (160 Kamehameha Ave., Hilo); 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Call 961-0144 or visit or
Saturday, November 3
Getting Affairs in Order Class – Free event. This will be a valuable class helping people to get their paperwork in order and make their last wishes known. This class will benefit individuals needing to tend to their own affairs as well as those helping their parents and loved ones. People think all they need is a Will or a Trust, but there is so much more! Come and learn about a new system that is simple and easy and offers peace of mind. Featuring Karen C. O’Neil, author of a new workbook A Guide to Getting Affairs in Order and Cheryl Takabayashi, attorney at law. The class will discuss what things are necessary to organize important documents and help encourage families to communicate before unexpected life events happen. Attendees will also learn about what an estate plan is and what documents everyone should have in place before end of life. Highlights include Durable General Power of Attorney and Advance Health Care Directive. ING Direct Cafe (1958 Kalakaua Ave.); 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. Visit for more information about the topics being discussed in the class. For more info contact Karen O’ Neil, (808) 782-3879.
Meet author/illustrator Roy Chang – Meet Roy Chang, a two-time Pa`i award-winning Editorial Cartoonist for MidWeek, and now author of a manga-style children’s fiction book. Chang, who is also an art teacher and freelance illustrator, will preview Cacy & Kiara and the Curse of the Ki`i, his new action-adventure chapter book, and demonstrate his drawing technique and writing process. It’s the story of two sixth-grade cousins who experience an imaginative, adventurous ride to the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the Island of Hawaii, and learn about Hawaiian myths and legends. This one-hour program is suitable for ages 8 and older. All children must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Contact the hosting library as soon as possible if a sign language interpreter or other special accommodation is needed. Kapolei Public Library (1020 Manawai St.); 10:30 A.M. For more info, call the library at 693-7050.
Maka the Magic Music Maker with Shannon Scott (and Storytime) – Come and meet author and radio personality Shannon Scott with his latest book, Maka the Magic Music Maker. There will be a Special Storytime reading with Shannon Scott. Learn the Maka Shaka Shuffle in this fun, easy reading piece. Read our review of this fine keiki book. [ Barnes & Noble Ala Moana (1450 Ala Moana Blvd. Suite 1272); 11:00 A.M. For more info, click here.
- Stories on Stilts: The River of Dreams – Storyteller Ben Moffat will entertain the audience in a storytelling performance that will use stilts, masks and puppets. Ben has always been fascinated with masks. His home is filled with more than 200 varieties that he describes as intriguing and mystical. He has performed and taught nationally and internationally since 1986. Ben attended the University of Hawaii at Manoa to study Asian theatre and directing. While at UH, he performed Javanese dance and music, and appeared in English language productions of kabuki and noh drama. He was among the first troupe of foreigners invited to perform traditional opera in China. This 45-minute recommended for ages 5 and older. Ewa Beach Public & School Library (91-950 North Rd.); 10:30 A.M. For more info call 689-1204.
The Bowl of Light by Hank Wesselman – Hank Wesselman’s latest book, The Bowl of Light: Ancestral Wisdom from a Hawaiian Shaman, recounts his friendship and discussions with Hawaiian kupuna, Hale Makua, over the last eight years of his life. The author lives in Kona and has written eight books on shamanism, including the Spiritwalker Trilogy. He is an anthropologist with four decades of study and living with tribal peoples. Free event. Basically Books (160 Kamehameha Ave., Hilo); 1:00 P.M. For more info visit
- Hawaiian Music and Musicians Featuring John Berger – Come and meet John Berger as he releases his newest collaboration, Hawaiian Music and Musicians: An Encyclopedic History. Berger carried on the legacy begun by Dr. George S. Kanahele in creating the de facto encyclopedic guide to Hawaiian music. Here’s the opportunity to talk story with John Berger, pick up a copy of the book and get it signed! Barnes & Noble Ala Moana (1450 Ala Moana Blvd. Suite 1272); 1:00 P.M. For more info, click here.
Meet Author Frances Kakugawa (Wordsworth the Poet) – Join all the keiki at the bookstore as they welcome the extremely talented Frances Kakugawa! The author of award-winning keiki books Wordsworth the Poet and Wordsworth Dances the Waltz, Frances will be presenting and reading her latest children’s book in the series, Wordsworth! Stop the Bulldozer! A book signing will follow. Barnes & Noble Kahala Mall (4211 Waialae Ave.); 1:00 P.M. For more info, click here.
- Galliard String Quartet – The Galliard String Quartet, considered Hawaii’s premier string quartet, performs programs including the works of such favorite composers as Mozart, Hayden, Beethoven, Schubert, and Brahms. Music of the masters is the Galliard’s forte, but the group’s repertoire also includes Strauss waltzes. romantic interludes, light classics, Hawaiian music, popular music, and more. GSQ performs a repertoire of songs written by Queen Lili‘uokalani such as Aloha ‘Oe, Puia Ka Nahele, the Queen’s Prayer, and many more. The quartet consists of two violins, viola, and cello. The musicians that make up this quartet were all part of the now disbanded Honolulu Symphony. This 45-minute program is suitable for ages 5 and older. Kihei Public Library (35 Waimahaihai St.); 3:00 P.M. For more info, call 875-6833.
Sunday, November 4
The Middle Ages: Eastern Asia – C.R. Greywolf is a Native American with over ten years of experience in weapons smithery and is Hawaii’s only professional medieval armorer. He will provide a glimpse into what life was like during the Middle Ages. This 45-minute program will also feature authentic handcrafted weapons and antiques, practical demonstrations, and audience participation. Program is recommended for ages 12 and older. Pearl City Public Library (1138 Waimano Home Road); 1:00 P.M. For more info call 453-6566.
- Pen & Ink Works November Sketch Meet – Bring your sketchbook and draw the afternoon away alongside other passionate artists. The Sketch Meets are free and open to all ages. They ask that children under 12 are accompanied by a parent or guardian. Click here for directions and parking options: Be sure to check out a few photos and drawings from the last Sketch Meet from October 14th on the Pen & Ink Works website. Honolulu Museum of Art School (Linekona Art Center, 1111 Victoria St. Room #102); 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. Got any questions or concerns? Contact:
Book Launch: Ili Na Ho’omanao’oo Kalaupapa Casting Remembrances of Kalaupapa – Book Launch: Ili Na Ho‘omanao‘o o Kalaupapa, Casting Remembrances of Kalaupapa. Come to the store for a book launch with authors Valerie Monson and Wayne Levin. Book signing to follow. Refreshments provided. Native Books/Na Mea Hawaii (Ward Warehouse); 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. For more info, visit
- Book launching/Reading: “Modernity, Freedom, and the African Diaspora” – Elisa Joy White is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at UH-Manoa. This book focuses on three events: the deportations of Nigerians from Dublin, the aftermath of Hurrican Katrina in New Orleans, and the uprisings in the Paris suburbs and eveals a shared quest for social progress in the face of stark retrogressive conditions. Revolution Books Honolulu (2626 South King St.); 3:00 P.M. For more info, visit the bookstore website.
Remember, all events listed above may be subject to change. Please contact the venue beforehand if you plan on attending. We encourage you to click on the links that are included with the events in the time line above. More events can be found on our Hawaiʻi Book Blog Events Calendar. You can also keep up with events through us on Twitter by following @HawaiiBookBlog.
If you have an event you would like us to help promote, please leave us a comment here or e-mail me at Mahalo and have a great weekend!