The “Spirit of Aloha” continues to soar in an upcoming book release!

by Alex on June 29, 2009

For 61 years, Aloha Airlines flew the skies of Hawaii, presenting the travelers of the state with a culture of Aloha not found on any other airline.  Between the islands or across the Pacific Ocean, Aloha Airlines always provided in-flight services that helped to celebrate and preserve various aspects of Hawaiian culture. First published in 1978 by Honolulu Publishing Company, […]

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The book buying extravaganza has begun!

by Misty on June 21, 2009

The 62nd Annual Friends of the Library of Hawaii Book Sale is officially underway!  HBB was there bright and early on the first day the sale was open to the public.  They changed some key things around regarding the layout so check out this article before you head over there. Honolulu Book Sale: Day 1 […]

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Summer Programs at your public library!

by Misty on June 19, 2009

June 21st will mark the official start of summer and already kids are throwing down their bookbags and binders in preparation for the next few coveted weeks of freedom. Some kids will be off to camps, retreats or other similar seasonal programs that can be costly for families with multiple children. And some summer programs […]

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Happy Kamehameha Day!

by Misty on June 11, 2009

In celebration of Kamehameha Day Native Books: Na Mea Hawaii is selling all books about Kamehameha the Great at 20% off for the entire month of June! Some favorites you might want to look at are Kamehameha the Warrior King of Hawaii by Susan Morrison and Breaking the Blood: Kamehameha Moves the Naha Stone by […]

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Book deals straight from the publisher!

by Misty on June 5, 2009

If there’s anything we love more than books here at HBB, it’s books on sale! And you don’t necessarily have to lurke around used book stores or wait for the Friends of the Library of Hawaii annual booksale to get a good deal. No, sometimes you can get brand new books at discounted prices straight from […]

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Save the dates… for Honolulu's biggest book sale and your chance to help Hawaii's public libraries!

by Misty on June 3, 2009

Write it in your calendar now, before you forget! Block off June 20th through June 28th as “BOOKED” because that’s what you’ll be.  Yep, it’s that time of year again! Time for the annual book sale hosted by the Friends of the Library of Hawaii. Nine whole days of book rummaging, great deals and literary […]

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