There’s something to be said for the simple things in life. Sometimes the smallest gestures mean the most, and the humblest of gifts are better than the expensive, ostentatious ones. Like in the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” when Paul engraves …
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My new friend, Wordsworth the Poet is now on Facebook! Do you know the story of the mouse who expresses his creative juices through the art of poetry? Have you ever heard the story of Wordsworth as …
One of the books recommended to us by Manoa Library Branch Manager Christel Collins, as part of our Library Tour Challenge, is the latest historic composition of Gavan Daws. Wayfinding Through the Storm (Watermark, 2009) is one of …
Michelle Cruz Skinner’s In the Company of Strangers (Bamboo Ridge, 2009) is the book of the month in February for the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii (JCCH) Book Club.
Skinner’s book, a collection of short stories published by Bamboo Ridge …