Surrounded by a vast array of trees in Hawai’i, woodworkers have a strong “sense of place”—a direct connection to the land. ~Tiffany DeEtte Shafto (author) We’re lucky here in Hawaii to have such lush surroundings; thick trees that fill and cool our valleys and tall broad ones that cover our parks and give us shade—especially […]
Another Friends of the Library of Hawaii Book Sale is pau and Misty and I once again tally the damage we’ve caused to our overflowing bookshelves. Each year we get a little wiser and a lot pickier, yet we pulled in one of our bigger hauls of Hawaiiana books this time around. I think a lot of that had […]
It’s time…it’s time…it’s Book End Time! Welcome to this week’s Book End, highlighting the weekend’s literary and library events here in Hawaii. We’re in the heat of the Hawaii State Public Library’s Summer Reading Challenge which means there are tons of library events available at your local library…nearly every day. Check out our Calendar for […]
“Buy local, eat local: It will help to sustain the important role that agriculture plays in our community.”–Dean Okimoto President of the Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation “Buy local, eat local” is the positive message echoing in my head when thumbing through the new and improved farmers market cookbook recently released by Watermark Publishing. Edited by […]
It’s HBB’s Summer Reading Challenge Update for Week 2! This was a busy week for us, mostly for Alex, and I took the opportunity to catch up a bit. Monkey got through 191 pages this week and Robot finished up with 342 pages! That means Monkey has a total of 800 pages read and Robot […]
It’s an HBB Birthday, but before we start to celebrate, Misty and I want to thank you all for your continuous support. Two years ago today, Misty brought to creation one of her many grand ideas. She noticed that there were a lot of book blogs popping up on the Internet but couldn’t find anything […]
We stopped by the 63rd Annual Friends of the Library of Hawaii Book Sale at McKinley High School after work for the Members’ Preview Sale and we’re back with the scoops for everyone who couldn’t make it out tonight and are planning to brave the sale this weekend. We are happy to report that as […]
It’s time…it’s time…it’s Book End Time! Welcome to this week’s Book End, highlighting the weekend’s literary and library events here in Hawaii. First off, here’s your chance to help your favorite literary rodent! Esteemed author Frances H. Kakugawa is asking anyone who has ever read and enjoyed Wordworth’s tales to “Like” the official Wordsworth the […]
First Book-Oahu posted an announcement on their blog about the new Cheerios and FirstBook Trivia Challenge. Cheerios will give away 100,000 new books to children in low income communities across the country. Each of the top 5 states will receive 20,000 books to distribute. Every little bit helps battle illiteracy. Check out their blog entry for […]
We’re at t-minus 3 days until the start of the 63rd Annual Friends of the Library of Hawaii Book Sale! For those of you unfamiliar with this event, it’s Honolulu’s biggest book sale of the year and a prominent week for our literary community since all the funds go to support our public library system. […]