With "Asian Supernatural" author Alex G. Paman
Happy Halloween everyone!
To celebrate this special occasion we wanted to provide you with a reading list full of interesting mythology and frightening tales, while celebrating the release of a new book that is perfect for the Halloween holiday.
This reading list is taken from Alex G. Paman’s excellent reference book Asian Supernatural (Mutual Publishing, 2010). You can read our review of this book here: [Book Review: Asian Supernatural]
In the back of the book, Paman lists a wealth of “Recommended Reading” for the reader to continue their education of the dark and foreboding side of Asian Pacific cultures. I took the time to compile all of Paman’s Hawaii references, including all books on Hawaii and/or published by a local publisher. Check your local library for these titles:
Hawaiian Mythology by Martha Beckwith (UH Press, 1971)
Hawaiian Religion & Magic by Scott Cunningham (Llewellyn Publications, 1995)
Obake Files: Ghostly Encounters in Supernatural Hawai’i by Glen Grant (Mutual Publishing, 1996)
The Golden Peninsula: Culture and Adaptation in Mainland Southeast Asia by Charles F. Keyes (University of Hawai’i Press, 1995)
The Kahunas, The Black and White Magicians of Hawai’i by Sibley S. Morrill (Branden Press, 1969)
Understanding Witchcraft and Sorcery in Southeast Asia by C.W. Watson and Roy Ellen (University of Hawai’i Press, 1993)
Hawaiian Legends of Ghosts and Ghost Gods by William D. Westervelt (Mutual Publishing, 2003)
A few of these books, in addition to a wealth of other excellent Hawaii folklore reference books, can be found on the Internet Sacred Texts Archive.
This is a great reading list that Alex Paman used in his research for Asian Supernatural. While Alex is still here in Hawaii, you should definitely try to meet him at one of his book signings on Halloween day:
- 10/31, 12:00pm at Borders in Pearlridge Shopping Center
- 10/31, 02:00pm at Barnes & Noble Kahala Mall