It’s time…it’s time…it’s Book End Time! Welcome to this week’s Book End, highlighting the weekend’s literary and library events here in Hawaii.
I’m feeling like a random stream of thought and links, so please bear with me! Recently asked Dan Kois on Twitter which 33 1/3 books were his favorites (33 1/3 is a series of books about famous albums, of which his own book Facing Future is a part of). He replied “Celine Dion is the best one. Other faves: Neutral Milk Hotel, Eno, Prince, Public Enemy.” Awesome. I’ve never had the urge to read a book about Celine, but now I’m intrigued. Aside from those picks, I was also interested in Bowie (Low) and Nas (Illmatic), just to name a scant few.
I’m hearing a lot of hype and talk about a new book coming out from University of Hawai’i Press this month. It’s called The Value of Hawaii: Knowing the Past, Shaping the Future edited by Craig Howes and Jonathan Osorio. They were recently featured on KIPO’s Town Square radio show (which I missed, despite tweeting about it), but will also be back on the radio Monday, August 30* on KZOO-AM 1210 for the JCC’s “Thinking Out Loud” radio program. For more information about the book, they’ve recently launched a blog to host discussions and updates pertaining to the book’s material.
Hey look, a Hawaii Libraries Pool at Flickr! Check it out if you like photography.
Now on to the events…
Friday, July 23
- 10:00am – A Caregiver’s Voice: Lecture and writing workshop w/ Frances H. Kakugawa at the Maui Alzheimer’s Association: Kaunoa Center from 10am – 2pm. Open to the public. Please get in touch with Frances for specific details at
- 10:30am – “Let’s Increase Our Awareness about Blindness: A Special Story time” at Salt Lake-Moanalua Public Library. Speakers from Ho`opono Services for the Blind will share information about blindness. This special story time will include stories and music, and children will have the opportunity to create a personalized Braille bookmark craft. For more information, please call the Children’s Services Librarian at 831-6831.
Saturday, July 24
- 09:30am – Oahu Chief of Enforcement Guy Chang offers a free class in “Incident Reporting” given by Officer Pedulla at Hawaii Kai Public Library. To register or for more information please call 561-8691 or email
10:00am – Book Signing event at The Book Gallery in Hilo, HI. Crystal “Pikko” Watanabe, author of the Yum-Yum Bento Box will have a book signing and talk at the book store found at 259 Keawe St. in downtown Hilo. For more information, call Nakamoto at 935-4943 or visit
- 10:00am – Children’s Storytime at Barnes & Noble Lahaina (Maui). More info
- 10:00am – Author Event at Coffee Shack, Honaunau, HI. Mike Taylore will be on hand to promote his book Plentiful. Call (808) 328-9555 for more info.
- 11:00am – Who wants to meet The Scariest Monster in the World?! It’s children’s storytime at Barnes & Noble Ala Moana where your keiki can find out who this monster is! More info
- 11:00am – Find out all you can on the topic of “Hurricane Preparedness” at Kapolei Public Library. Manny Mattos, a retired Honolulu Police Officer and currently a volunteer with the Hawaii State Civil Defense, and Dr. Gerard Fryer, Geophysicist with the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, will present vital information about hurricanes and related severe weather in Hawaii and the Pacific. More info
- 11:00am – *Military: There will be a movie marathon of Star Trek V & VI at Schofield Barracks library. More info
01:00pm – “How to Make an Origami Lotus Flower” Workshop at Liliha Public Library! Do you want to learn how to create a lotus flower that can thrive without water? Jason Chen will conduct the workshops in the Meeting Room. Registration is required. Each workshop will be limited to 10 participants. Please call the Library at 587-7577 to register or for more information.
- 01:00pm – Frances Kakugawa reading Wordsworth Dances the Waltz at Borders in Kahului according to Maui News. Call 877.6160 for more info.
- 01:00pm – Have you been reading Suzanne Collins lately? There will be a Catching Fire book discussion at Borders in Waikele. All teens and adults are invited! More info
Remember, all events listed above may be subject to change. Please contact the venue beforehand if you plan on attending. More events can be found on our Hawaii Book Blog Events Calendar.
If you have an event you would like us to help promote, please leave us a comment here or e-mail me at aalba@hawaiibookblog[dot]com. Replace the [dot] with a ‘.’ when you compose the message. Mahalo and have a great weekend!
* Corrected from “Friday, July 30”.