It’s time…it’s time…it’s Book End Time! Welcome to this week’s Book End, highlighting the week’s literary and library events here in Hawaii.
Saturday, June 4
Aina Haina Library Summer Book Sale – The Friends of the Aina Haina Public Library will hold a 5-Hour Summer Book Sale! This year, the book sale will be held in both the Meeting Room as well as at the front of the library. Adult and children books will be priced at $1.00. There will also be special books (including Hawaiiana) at the front, priced over $1. CDs and DVDs will also be a part of the sale. Help support this library and come to the sale. You may even find some Hawaii Book Blog bookmarks there if you’re lucky! Aina Haina Public Library (5246 Kalanianaole Hwy); 10:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. For more information, click here.
- Friends of the Library of Hawaii First Saturday Sale – Come down to Kakaako for the monthly First Saturday Sale put on by the Friends of the Library of Hawaii. The June Features are: Science Fiction, Psychology, Health, Biography, Cookbooks, Children’s Books, Hobbies, and Music. These are in addition to the over 2,500 titles available daily in the Bookmobile. 690 Pohukaina Street, downtown Kakaʻako; 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. For more info contact Nainoa Mau at 808-536-4174 or at
- Princeville Library (Kauai) Book Sale – If you live on the Garden Island, you must come to the Friends of the North Shore Library at Princeville Book Sale. $1.00 for most hard covers; $.50 (3 for $1.00) for paperbacks. CDs and videotapes available. Be sure to check out the music CDs – jazz, blues, classical and popular. There are several hundred recently donated to us for the sale. Princeville Public Library, 4343 Emmalani Dr., Princeville, HI; 10:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. For more information, call 826-4310 or visit
Meet the Author-Illustrator: Scott Goto – Children ages 6 and older, accompanied by a parent or caregiver, are invited to meet the author and illustrator of The Perfect Sword and many other children’s books. Goto will present an interactive program to demonstrate the various ways an author can create a character and develop a story. Hawaii State Library; 478 South King Street; 10:30 A.M. For more information, please call the Library’s Edna Allyn Room for Children at 586-3510. Check out Scott’s work at
Magi-KEL Magi-CHUN with Kelvin Chun – Kelvin will delight children with his interactive magic performance on Saturday, June 4 at 10:30 a.m. Internationally-recognized magician Chun will amaze the audience with illusions involving fire, silk, a parasol, rope and cards. Children in attendance may be asked to join in and assist with the fun, with volunteers receiving balloon prizes. Kailua Public Library, 239 Kuulei Rd.; 10:30 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. For more info click here.
- Children’s Storytime – Come to the book store and enjoy a fun keiki storytime as they read Gilbert the Hero by Jane Clarke, the third adventure for Gilbert the lovable white shark. Barnes & Noble Ala Moana Center; 11:00 A.M.
- Teen and Adult Craft (Big Island) – Come to the library to make a Glass Jar Art Candleholder. Participants need to bring their own clean small/medium sized glass jar (labels removed) that can hold a small tea candle. Kealakekua Public Library (Mamalahoa Highway); 11:00 A.M. Click here for more info.
- Summer Storytime – Kick off Summer Reading with a blast! Join the other kids in the book store as they kick off the summer reading program with a visit from Cookie Mouse from Laura Numeroff’s If You Give a Mouse a Cookie! What better way to start the summer break! Barnes & Noble Kahala Mall; 11:00 A.M. For more info click here.
Frances Kakugawa author event – Come on down and meet the talented author, Frances Kakugawa. She has a new release, Breaking the Silence: A Caregiver’s Voice. It is a thoughtful and honest look into what caregivers face each day. It provides advice, instruction and inspiring poetry for caregivers. This author event will include a reading, Q&A session, and book signing! Barnes & Noble Ala Moana Center, 1450 Ala Moana Blvd; 1:00 P.M. For more info, click here.
- Kung Fu Demonstration (free) – Adults and children ages 10 and older are invited to learn and experience the martial arts legacy of Sil Lum Fat Ga Kuen (Young Forest Monk/Buddhist Style Fist). Gee Yung, the school’s name, is translated into English as “go forth and be courageous.” Sigung Arthur Lee believes that Kung fu is a tool that can enhance a person’s self-development. “Kung fu is not just learning how to fight,” said Lee. “Kung fu is life.” Liliha Public Library, 1515 Liliha Street; 1:30 P.M.For more information, please call the Library at 587-7577. Free parking is available on the rooftop.
- Celebrate the new Judy Moody movie – Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer opens in theaters on June 10. Celebrate all things Judy Moody and the joy of summer reading at the store’s official summer reading kick off event! This is NOT a costume character event. Best for kids ages 8 to 12. Borders (check to see if your local Borders is participating); 2:00 P.M. For more info, click here.
Sunday, June 5
Star Wars Stormtroopers – The Stormtroopers, from the Pacific Outpost of the 501st Legion (Vader’s Fist”), will be featured at the Library’s 2011 HSPLS Children’s Summer Reading Program kickoff event to encourage keiki to sign up for the five-week program. This year’s theme – “One World, Many Stories” – features books and stories designed to encourage young readers to explore places from Oceania to Russia. Kaneohe Public Library; 45-829 Kamehameha Highway; 2:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. For more information call 233-5676.
Remember, all events listed above may be subject to change. Please contact the venue beforehand if you plan on attending. We encourage you to click on the links that are included with the events in the timeline above. More events can be found on our Hawaii Book Blog Events Calendar. You can also keep up with events through us on Twitter by following @HawaiiBookBlog.
If you have an event you would like us to help promote, please leave us a comment here or e-mail me at Mahalo and have a great weekend!