It’s time…it’s time…it’s Book End Time! Welcome to this week’s Book End, highlighting the week’s literary and library events here in Hawaiʻi.
Support our local literary scene and our local libraries by attending these events. Have a great weekend, everyone!
[gn_divider /]Friday, March 22
- Presentation on Chronicling America: Historic Newspapers from Hawai’i & the U.S. – Hamilton Librarian Dore Minatodani will present an information session at the KCC Library on the Chronicling America project and how faculty and students can use it to research historical newspapers from Hawai’i & the U.S. Chronicling America is a Library of Congress project to digitize and provide free online access to historical English-language newspapers across the United States. UH Mānoa Hamilton Library has been participating in this program since 2008. It has digitized and made available online 19 of Hawaiʻi’s historical newspapers, ranging from 1868-1922. The event is open to everyone. Kapiolani Community College Library; 3:00 P.M. For more info contact Annie Thomas, KCC Library,
Saturday, March 23
Chinese Book Sale – The Friends of Liliha Library will conduct a Book Sale of Chinese language materials at the Library. The book sale will feature a variety of used Chinese language books, videos, and CDs at bargain prices. Proceeds from the sale will be used to purchase new books and other materials for the Library’s popular Chinese language collection. Please enter the Meeting Room through the Library’s side door. Come early for the best selection. Free parking is available on the rooftop. Liliha Public Library (1515 Liliha St.); 9:00 A.M. to Noon. For more information, please call the Library during regular public service hours at 587-7577. Questions can also be answered in Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese.
- NASA: Heliophysics for Girls – In celebration of National Women’s History Month, the University of Hawaii at Manoa’s Institute for Astronomy will present “Heliophysics for Girls,” a free NASA-themed event in the Programming Room of the Library to encourage community members to explore the marvels of the universe and celebrate the contributions women have made to science. Learn about heliophysics, the study of the physics of the Sun, from scientists and event leaders. Dr. Veronica Bindi, a physics professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, will introduce the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) space particle detector and discuss how it helps us understand the Universe. Kaiser High School junior Malia Swartz, a 2010 Science Fair award winner for her project on heliophysics, will explain how the Sun could be related to outbreaks of disease on Earth. Participants can learn how to build their own charged particle detector and use a diffraction grating to learn about the aurora. This two-hour program is suggested for ages 12 and older. Manoa Public Library (2716 Woodlawn Dr.); 10:00 A.M. to 12 Noon. For more information, please call the Library at 988-0459.
Easter Egg Hunt (Kihei) – Children ages 5 and younger, accompanied by a parent or caregiver, are invited to bring their own basket to search for colorful plastic eggs containing one small surprise (sticker, chocolate, temporary tattoo) in the Children’s area. Older siblings may accompany their little brothers or sisters on this Easter Egg Hunt with the understanding that the event is for very young children. Kihei Public Library (35 Waimahaihai St.); 10:05 A.M. For more information, call the Library at 875-6833.
- SOAR: A Way to Improve Your Physical and Spiritual Health – Author and cardiologist Dr. Roger White will introduce his health program called SOAR (Smart Medical Care, Optimal Nutrition, Age Appropriate Motion, Rich Relationships) as presented in his book “SOAR: Achieving Your Best Possible Health Through Awareness.” The main purpose of SOAR is to encourage people to become more aware of their total health so they can thrive and maintain healthy lifestyles. This program is for adults; registration is not required. Kapolei Public Library, Main Lobby (1020 Manawai St.); 10:30 A.M. For more info, please call 693-7050.
American Girl — Just Between Us: A Parent and Daughter Event – We’re proud to join American Girl with a fun workshop, Just Between Us: A Parent and Daughter Event. This event is based on The Care and Keeping of You for girls age 8+. We look forward to seeing you there! Barnes & Noble Maui (325 Keawe #101, Lahaina); 11:00 A.M. Call 808-662-1300.
- The Skills of Pleasure book event – Meet author Stewart Blackburn as he shares his new book, The Skills of Pleasure. There you will learn seven important skills for getting more pleasure out of life as well as hoe the use the power of pleasure to craft the experiences you desire. Free event. Basically Books (160 Kamehameha Ave., Hilo); 1:00 P.M. For more information, visit
Meet the Authors Event: “Messages of Peace” – A new compilation entitled Messages of Peace, Words of Inspiration for Everyday Living from Hawaii has just been released for the first time via Amazon Kindle with print copies in development. An author reception is scheduled for today, where writers will be reading from the book and talking about their work. The book is the premiere publication of Inspired Wellness Publishing, a special project directed and sponsored by Honolulu Resident Lori Chaffin of Hawaii Wellness Magazine and Your Health Hawaii Magazine with editorial support from Worth Grace Media. Entries include heartfelt wishes, prayers and stories from Hawaii residents, each of whom expresses a hope to share the spirit of Aloha with others around the world. Still & Moving Center (1024 Queen St.); 5:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. More information here.
Sunday, March 24
- Discussion on The Hobbit With Tol Andune, The Hawai’i Tolkien Society – Join us in welcoming Tol Andune, the Hawai’i Tolkien Society as they discuss Tolkien’s The Hobbit, based on Peter Jackson’s films, including a discussion on Bilbo and Thorin vs. Frodo and Aragorn — similarities/differences in characters and quests. Barnes & Noble Kahala Mall (4211 Waialae Ave.); 9:30 A.M. For more info, click here.
The Pickle Lady’s Passion for Pickles – This free program featuring author Leonora Ching, will be offered in the Adult Reading Section. Ching, who is known as “The Pickle Lady,” will present a cooking demonstration of several recipes featured in her second book, The Pickle Lady’s Pickle Passion Cookbook and prepare a few other recipes, as well. Ching has a reputation for pickling and preserving fruits, vegetables, and even eggs and shrimp. Her rich heritage of Cantonese cooking and exposure to international cuisine has inspired her to constantly observe and learn firsthand from women who have a passion for great food. “The Pickle Lady” will share her passion for pickles and offer some free “pickled food” samples to participants. Pearl City Public Library (1138 Waimano Home Rd.); 2:00 P.M. For more information, please call the Library at 453-6566.
- M.I.A. Art & Literary Series “March Madness” – Poetry, Music, Fiction, Arts! This month is March Madness featuring two M.I.A. events! This second event features Allison Cobb, Jen Coleman, Steve Heller, and Perle Besserman. More info on the guests here. All ages welcome, bar is open with ID. Parking is available in their parking lot along the side of the cafe. Additional parking can be found at the warehouse next door at 839 Queen Street, Wesellthings4u. They also recommend parking on Ward or Cooke Street and taking a healthy stroll to Fresh Cafe. Fresh Cafe’s Loft in Space (831 Queen Street); 3:30 P.M. For more info, visit M.I.A.’s website.
Remember, all events listed above may be subject to change. Please contact the venue beforehand if you plan on attending. We encourage you to click on the links that are included with the events in the time line above. More events can be found on our Hawaiʻi Book Blog Events Calendar. You can also keep up with events through us on Twitter by following @HawaiiBookBlog.
If you have an event you would like us to help promote, please leave us a comment here or e-mail me at Mahalo and have a great weekend!