It’s time…it’s time…it’s Book End Time! Welcome to this week’s Book End, highlighting the weekend’s literary and library events here in Hawaii.
This weekend is your last chance to see the photo and art display presented by the Filipino-American Historical Society of Hawaii at the Hawaii State Library lobby. It’s on display until October 23rd. This exhibit features political cartoons of the late Corky Trinidad (1939-2009), which is the pen name of Philippine-born cartoonist Francisco Flores Trinidad, Jr., the award-winning editorial cartoonist for the former Honolulu Star-Bulletin. If you haven’t seen it yet, do so this weekend.
Now on to the many, many events this weekend…
Friday, October 22
- 10:30am – “Halloween Card Craft Program” at Ewa Beach Public & School Library.
- 03:00pm – See “Life in Snow” with Jim Greene at Hilo Public Library (Big Island). Jim Green, a celebrated Canadian poet and visiting Talk Story Festival artist, is a jack-of-all-trades, adventurer, survivor, and continual storyteller. His keen wit, sharp tongue, twinkling eye, and infectious sense of humor and life will entertain audiences of all ages. Ph. 933-8888 for more info.
- 05:00pm – Feng Feng Hutchins will be signing copies of Plenty Saimin at the Season’s Best Craft Fair 2010 held in the Neil S. Blaisdell Center from 5pm – 9pm. Source
- 05:30pm – “Sketches of People & Ice” with Pat Braden at Kealakekua Public Library (Big Island). Canadian storyteller Pat Braden takes audiences to old mining towns, the working people, and the stark beauty of the rock and icelands he calls home. Ph. 323-7585 for more info.
- 07:00pm – “Victorian Horros” at the Mission Houses Museum from 7-10pm. Victorian Horrors guests are guided by lantern light through the museum’s grounds and cemetery to hear Mary Shelly read from Frankenstein, Edgar Allan Poe present his poem The Raven in English (and then another reader in Hawaiian), and Dr. Polidori read excerpts from the original Vampyre novel. $15 per person; reservations are strongly recommended, call 808-447-3914 or Click here to register for this event.
- 07:30pm – “The Sublime, Absurd and Mystical Mr. Gorey” presented by the Manoa Readers/Theatre Ensemble will be held at the UH Manoa Campus, Orvis Auditorium. The Ensemble takes literature from around the world and brings it to your front door. Nyla Fujii-Babb, Wayland Quintero, and Dann Seki in this romp through the weird and wonderful world of Mr. Edward Gorey. Tickets are free. More info
Saturday, October 23
- 09:00am – Maui Friends of the Library will be having a used book sale in front of Whole Foods Market at the Maui Mall from 9am – 2pm. Stop by and check out their selection of fiction, non-fiction and oversize books and help support all of the libraries in Maui County. Membership applications will also be available. Call 871-6563 for more info.
- 09:00am – The Great Huki-Puke 2010 begins at 9am from the Bond Memorial Public Library to the new North Kohala Public Library. Hundreds of volunteers will form a chain from these two libraries to move the books from the old Bond Memorial to North Kohala! Call the library at 889-6655 for more information or More info here.
10:00am – Mini-Con comes to McCully-Moiliili Public Library! Come and meet three local artists (Audra Furuichi of nemu*nemu fame, Jon J. Murakami of Geckos fame, and Kevin Sano), watch some animation, and win a free prize! For more information, call the Library at 973-1099. You can also check out my post on the event here and specific info about the anime shown and prize package on Cel-Shaded here.
- 10:00am – Enjoy Children’s Story Time at Barnes & Noble Aiea in Pearlridge Shopping Center. More info
- 10:00am – Enjoy Children’s Story Time at Barnes & Noble Lahaina (Maui). More info
- 10:30am – Writers Workshop at Kapolei Public Library. Romance-Mystery novelist Lynda Lakes will present a workshop for readers, writers and others who think they may have an idea for a story. Participants should bring their own paper and pens. Call (808) 693-7050 for more info.
10:30am – See “African Music & Dance” at Aina Haina Public Library. Badenyaa African Diaspora Dance Theater is a professional performing arts ensemble of multi-racial collection of artists, dancers and musicians. This is a free performance. Ph. 377-2456 for more info.
- 11:00am – Special Event at the Kauai Museum. Mokichi Okada Association shares the traditional Tea Ceremony, Flower Arrangements, and Healing. Author Keahi Felix will be autographing her book from 11-1 pm. Cocopalm entertainer Uncle Larry Rivera will be performing after from 1-2pm. More info
- 11:00am – Special Halloween Story Time at Barnes & Noble Kahala Mall! They’ll be doing a reading of Scaredy-Cat, Splat! by Rob Scotton in addition to other stories. Wear your costume, and enjoy treats and Halloween activities. More info They will also be doing a reading of this very same book at the same time at Barnes & Noble Ala Moana. Info here
- 11:30am – A special presentation will be held at Barnes & Noble Ala Moana! “Gorey News!” Pre-schoolers and up, hands-on postcard activity for children. Presented by UH Manoa staff to celebrate the work of author and artist Edward Gorey. Info source
12:00pm – The Kenny Endo Taiko Ensemble will be performing at the Hawaii State Library. This unique cultural program will feature a demonstration and lecture on the art of performing with taiko (Japanese drums). Learn about the different drums and percussion instruments of Japan as used in traditional and contemporary music. Ph. 586-3490 for more info.
- 12:00pm – See “World Wisdom Tales” w/ Dr. Margie Brown at Thelma Parker Memorial Public & School Library on the Big Island. Dr. Brown specializes in world tales of wise fools, tricksters, jesters, and the upside-down reality they mirror… and she’s a fire-breather! Recommended for ages 12 and older. Ph. 887-6067 for more info.
- 01:00pm – Celebrate the release of BeachHouse’s new children’s book Lio the Carousel Horse at Barnes & Noble Kahala Mall with local illustrator Ruth Moen. They will be handing out FREE bags of cotton candy to kids along with coloring sheets. Source
- 01:00pm – Linda Ching Book Signing at Macy’s Ala Moana from 1-3 p.m. She’ll be signing copies of her book: Ao-Ten Years of Light. ( Event source
- 01:30pm – “Create Your Own ‘Slime’ and ‘Gluep’ at Liliha Public Library. Participants are invited to roll up their sleeves and get ready to experiment and observe cool chemical reactions when combining common household items! This program is appropriate for ages 10 and older. For more information, call 587-7577.
02:00pm – “Cultures of the World” with Greywolf will be presented at Kailua-Kona Public Library on the Big Island. Greywolf’s lectures feature authentic handcrafted weapons and antiques, period costumes, practical demonstrations, and audience participation. Ph. 327-4327 for more info.
- 03:30pm – BIG ISLAND! Come see “A Walk With Katsu Goto: One Man’s Japanese-Hawaiian Immigrant Experience” at Hilo Public Library. Local author Patsy Y. Iwasaki will conduct a special presentation on her the recently released graphic novel, Hamakua Hero: A True Plantation Story. With the author are Kiichi Kaya and Toyoko Saeki, the son and daughter of Dr. Fumiko Kaya, a niece of Katsu Goto. Audience members will have the opportunity to “talk story” with these speakers about the Japanese-Hawaii immigrant experience. For more information, call 933-8888.
- 05:00pm – Feng Feng Hutchins will be signing copies of Plenty Saimin at the Season’s Best Craft Fair 2010 held in the Neil S. Blaisdell Center from 5pm – 9pm. Source
- 06:00pm – Celebrate the publication of POLYNESIA: The Mark and Carolyn Blackburn Collection of Polynesian Art at Native Books/Na Mea Hawai‘i (Ward Warehouse). Author Adrienne Kaeppler, curator of Oceanic ethnology at the Smithsonian, will give a talk on private collecting and be available to sign copies of this lavish work designed by Barbara Pope. View demonstrations by cultural practitioners, and enjoy music and refreshments. Source
Sunday, October 24
- 10:00am – Enjoy a Children’s Book Sale at Pearl City Public Library from 10am – 3pm. Thousands of children’s books (and others) for sale at just a quarter each. Call 453-6566 for more info.
Remember, all events listed above may be subject to change. Please contact the venue beforehand if you plan on attending. We encourage you to click on the links that are included with the events in the timeline above. More events can be found on our Hawaii Book Blog Events Calendar.
If you have an event you would like us to help promote, please leave us a comment here or e-mail me at aalba@hawaiibookblog[dot]com. Replace the [dot] with a ‘.’ when you compose the message. Mahalo and have a great weekend!