First off, I would like to thank everyone who helped to spread the word about this event through our social media circles. Although we didn’t reach our lofty goals for RT’s or Facebook fans, we did get a lot of quality retweets from different people as well as a boost in the number of Facebook fans over the past two weeks. We appreciate your help and look forward to providing you with more fun content, contests and events in the future. And even though we didn’t reach our goals, we gladly bought and donated a few of the books we talked about.
Ultimately this was a very successful Rec-Fest for us—I think with the experience of the previous Rec-Fest we had in August, we were better prepared for the hectic pace that such an event brings. It helps that we only did 6 books instead of 8, and that First Book-Oahu had so many great volunteers assisting with the Book Fair.

HBB with First Book-Oahu, Miss Teen Hawaii - World Cassie Sumimoto and Duane "Dog" Chapman
Many thanks to those who made book suggestions—we could not have had a successful Rec-Fest without you! Mahalo also to First Book-Oahu for inviting us to participate in their fundraiser once again, it’s always fun! HBB is a labor of love and we’re happy to help literacy organizations in the community. We hope to find more creative ways to support local books and authors in the future. Rec-fests, book reviews and “Book Ends” are a few of the ways that we try to spread the word about local literature but really, the possibilities are endless and Alex and I are just getting started! Speaking of…
I should also say “arigattz” to my sidekick and partner in crime, for going along on these crazy adventures and entertaining my silly notions. But, most of all, thank YOU readers for continuing to visit and support Hawaii Book Blog!