[wpaudio url=”http://www.hawaiibookblog.com/mea/2011/04/kulike.mp3″ text=”Kūlike” ] Resembles, alike. Kūlike ʻo James Durbin (ke kāne e hīmeni nei ma American Idol) me Sloth mai The Goonies mai. James Durbin (the guy from American Idol) looks like Sloth from The Goonies. From http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3ChUP-jmIQ:
posted by A.Alba If Season 3 of American Idol proved anything, it’s that the people of Hawaii can band together and show the strength, support and unity of `ohana that only our state can do. Jasmine Trias probably wasn’t considered one of the top three Idol contestants that year, but because of the passionate support […]