One of our favorite library events of the year is back and this time we get to be a part of it. That’s right, Misty and I have finally made the big show: MINI CON 2012! This is the third iteration of the successful brainchild of McCully-Moiliili Public Library’s Hillary Chang. In 2010 and 2011, we […]
Tomorrow, September 10, will mark the date of the second annual Mini-Con event at McCully-Mōʻiliʻili Public Library from 10am to 1pm. In the tradition of such luminary conventions as the San Diego Comic-Con and Hawaiʻi’s own Kawaii-Kon, Mini-Con is a gathering of anime and manga lovers, graphic artists, and cosplayers. Last October, the library showed […]
It’s time…it’s time…it’s Book End Time! Welcome to this week’s Book End, highlighting the week’s literary and library events here in Hawaii. As it’s Memorial Day weekend, there really aren’t a lot of events happening this weekend. In fact, there are practically none. All Hawaii State Public Libraries will be closed from Saturday through Monday, […]
For all of you anime & manga fans out there, I recommend you check out this flyer from Liliha Public Library. For more information about Liliha Public Library check out