Author Interview: Julia Flynn Siler
In celebration of her appearances this weekend with the Distinctive Women in Hawaiian History Program, we wanted to do an interview with bestselling author Julia Flynn Siler on her book Lost Kingdom. Q: What inspired you to write Lost Kingdom? A few years ago, my family and I were invited to spend the weekend at […]
Celebreate Reading: Gail Tsukiyama (author interview)
We are excited and honored to have author Gail Tsukiyama as the featured guest during the 2012 Celebrate Reading Festival. She kicks off the festival with a 5:30 pm reading and Q&A session tomorrow (4/19/12) at UH Manoa Art Auditorium. As you’ll see from the interview below, Tsukiyama is a talented writer and you’ll not want to […]
Author Interview: Feng Feng Hutchins
Here’s our interview with local author Feng Feng Hutchins following our review of her new keiki book Plenty Saimin. If you missed the review you can still read it here. Many thanks to Feng Feng for answering some of questions. She graciously gives advice for the best places to get saimin, and the importance of […]
Author Interview: Margaret Dilloway
As promised, following our review of the upcoming novel How to Be an American Housewife (if you missed it, you can still read it here), here’s our interview with author Margaret Dilloway! You can follow her blog or catch updates on the book’s Facebook page. Also this Thursday, August 5th at 7pm in the Ala Moana […]
Author Interview: Douglas Corleone
As previously mentioned in my earlier book review, One Man’s Paradise by Douglas Corleone has just been released by Minotaur Books. He’s got a few signings coming up one on May 8th and one tomorrow May 1st at Barnes & Noble Ala Moana from 1:30–2:30, to which Alex and I will be going (check the calendar […]
Moʻomanaʻo Moʻokalaleo Pūnaewele o Hawaiʻi
Moʻomanaʻo Moʻokalaleo Pūnaewele o Hawaiʻi

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