Book Fair and Blog-a-Thon Benefit!
This weekend, Sept. 29th and 30th, First Book Oahu is having a Book Fair Fundraiser at Barnes & Noble! Make any purchase, EVEN at the coffee shop, at any B&N or online using the code 10886000, and help First Book Oahu raise money to provide new books to needy children and organizations in the local […]
You Will Call Me Drog Book Launch Event
[gn_quote] A debut middle-grade novel and a cleverly framed story of self-determination and family relationships. Fresh, funny, unexpected and, at times, just a little dark. [/gn_quote] Recently, I came across an uncanny book trailer while scouring the Internet for Hawaii book news. The trailer was for a new novel titled You Will Call Me Drog […]
HBB Rec-Fest @ First Book-Oahu’s Book Fair!
HBB is volunteering to blog and tweet live book reviews from First Book-Oahu‘s Book Fair & Fundraiser! Last year the fundraiser was in August and HBB did 8 book reviews in 8 hours! We asked kids in the store and First Book Members to give us suggestions and we learned/reviewed some great keiki books! It […]
Moʻomanaʻo Moʻokalaleo Pūnaewele o Hawaiʻi
Moʻomanaʻo Moʻokalaleo Pūnaewele o Hawaiʻi

Hawaiʻi Book Blog is the best place to learn about and discuss the literature of our islands. Come in and ‘talk story’ about your favorite Hawaiʻi books and authors – no need take off slippahs!
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- Candace on Sponsor
- Kirby Wright on Event Calendar
- Kirby Wright on Book Review: Punahou Blues
- Clarke on Book Review: The Polynesian Tattoo Today
- Kase on HBMF2015: Writing da Tail