Rec-Fest Book 6/8: The Musubi Man

by Alex on August 8, 2009

Well, we are fast approaching Hour 6 here at Barnes & Noble Kahala.  The First Book Oahu gang are here helping to  promote the cause and we are still here, closing in on accomplishing our “8 books in 8 hours on 8/8” goal.  I have not eaten since breakfast and I’m starting to get a […]

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Rec-fest Book 5/8: Dog-of-the-Sea-Waves

by Alex on August 8, 2009

posted by M.L. Sanico James Rumford was just here signing books and drawing flowers with the kids (I even drew a flower, it’s a brown plumeria and not nearly as nice as the flowers he draws). He’s promoting his book Max and the Dumb Flower Picture, but Alex and I took this opportunity to buy […]

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Rec-fest Book 4/8: Wordsworth Dances the Waltz

by Alex on August 8, 2009

We are halfway through our book recommendation marathon and we are trying our best to keep up!  Things have settled down a little as Clifford the Big Red Dog and the keiki song and reading is finished.  For the past hour, local author James Rumford has been signing books and promoting Martha Alexander’s wonderful book […]

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Rec-fest Book 3/8: Okazu at the Zoo

by Alex on August 8, 2009

posted by M.L. Sanico Have you been enjoying our 8/8 Rec-Fest challenge so far? It’s been quite a morning! Clifford the Big Red Dog is a superstar! There were kids crawling over each other to get to him! We’re having a great, if not slightly rushed time here at the First Book-Oahu Book Fair Fundraiser. […]

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Rec-fest Book 2/8: Pono, the Dog that Dreams

by Alex on August 8, 2009

posted by A.Alba As I scour the bookshelves of Hawaii’s own children’s books, I notice how distinguishing the covers of these books are compared to their grown-up counterparts.  Browsing through these lively and colorful exteriors makes me feel like a kid again; perusing through a store of eye candy, trying to figure out which confection […]

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Rec-fest book 1/8: Hina and the Sea of Stars

by Misty on August 8, 2009

posted by M.L. Sanico Here is the first book review in our 8/8 Rec-fest to support  First Book-Oahu’s Book Fair Fundraiser this weekend at Barnes & Noble Kahala. All of the books reviewed in this series are available from Barnes & Noble stores, as well as online at Since First Book-Oahu strives to provide […]

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8/8 Author Signing & HBB Rec-fest!

by Misty on August 3, 2009

How can you help promote literacy on Oahu? Come to Barnes & Noble Kahala 8/7-8/9 and mention “First Book-Oahu” with any purchase! And you can spread the word!First Book-Oahu’s Book Fair Fundraiser weekend is coming up soon! HBB will be there from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm SAT 8/8 posting live Twitter book recommendations and […]

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