Well, here is my last review for the blog-a-thon. It’s a keiki book from Kamahoi Press, an imprint of Bishop Museum Press. Proceeds from the sale of these books support Bishop Museum, so it’s a great way to support an important Hawaii institution. The Legend of Kuamo‘o Mo‘okini and Humumu, the Great Whale by Leimomi […]
A couple friends of mine just returned from a trip to Greece. The pictures they brought back were beautiful with azure seas and aging columns. It seemed, even through the pictures, that the stories and myths of ancient Greece are ever present because there is so much evidence of its past—the Sanctuary of Athena in Delphi, […]
Every year, the Hawai’i Book Publishers Association presents the Ka Palapala Po’okela Awards, honoring the best books of Hawai’i book publishing from the previous year. We were honored to attend this fantastic event for the first time this year and would like to give a big mahalo to the HBPA and everyone involved for allowing […]