Have a merry Merrie Monarch 2010!

by Misty on April 8, 2010

We’re right in the middle of Merrie Monarch week! The entire festival runs from April 4th to the 10th with craft and culture events all week long culminating in a hula competition that starts today at 6:00 pm HST. You can become a fan on their Facebook page for live updates and photos. Most of the […]

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April Fool’s Day! Kamapua’a the Hawaiian Trickster

by Misty on March 31, 2010

Happy April Fool’s Day! I’m not much of a prankster myself, but several of my closest loved ones are. I’m usually their favorite target because I’m terribly gullible and naturally inclined to believe others. So, every year I try to be especially on guard on April 1st… wish me luck!  But seriously, when your mother […]

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