7 DIY Valentine Bookmarks!

by Misty on January 25, 2012

I know it’s a little early, but I wanted to send this out with plenty of time before Valentine’s. It’s a holiday that takes a pretty brutal beating by the cynics but I love Valentine’s Day with all the pretty colors and hearts. I love books too, so naturally I was drawn to all these cute […]

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Literary Loot: Hawaii book stuff on ETSY!

by Misty on August 2, 2010

I love ETSY! If you’re unfamiliar with the site it’s basically an online community where you buy and sell handmade goods in virtual “shops”. Bewarned, ETSY is addicting and you’ll want everything, but it’s amazing to see the ingenious ways people create things. Here are a few local literary items I found on the site […]

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