Thirteen Ways of Looking at TheBus- Poetry by Gizelle Gajelonia

by Misty on April 15, 2011

Okay so it’s 11:15 pm and Alex and I are trying to get as much reviewed as possible before tomorrow. There’s one young author I just couldn’t ignore and instead of typing up my discussion points, I wanted to make sure we wrote something about her work. [gn_frame align=”right”] [/gn_frame] We met Gizelle Gajelonia for […]

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‘We Go Eat’: A real fas’, drive-tru book review

by Misty on April 15, 2011

I went to a party once at a coworker’s house in Hawaii Kai, really nice digs. We drank wine; no green bottle or a Bud Light in sight. We ate hors d’oeuvers–you know, fancy kine pupus–and small sandwiches. I know, what kine party dat? I turned to Alex and said, “Cute yah, your san’wich! We […]

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Book review: Cold Magic

by Misty on April 15, 2011

It’s no secret that my “to-read” list is like an everlasting gobstopper on steroids. However, I must confess, that I have more than one list. There’s a list of books that I “have to read”. These are usually for the blog or other projects I’m working on. Then there’s the books I “should read”, you […]

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Celebrate Reading: Matt de la Peña

by Misty on March 30, 2011

Another special guest for the Celebrate Reading Festival is acclaimed author Matt de la Peña. His collection of young adult novels are critically praised, urban dramas with unforgettable characters and themes. Check out our review of Ball Don’t Lie here. We Were Here is the story of Miguel, a Mexican-American teen who is court ordered […]

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