Misty’s Book-finds from Japan!

by Misty on April 6, 2010

Every time we get a chance to venture off the rock, Alex and I try to fit something literary into our sight-seeing schedule. During our recent trip to Japan it was quite fun to explore a few bookstores, but we serendipitously stumbled upon a little gem while walking in Ueno. Across the side street next […]

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Children's Literature Conference

by Misty on July 4, 2008

posted by M.L. Sanico The 14th Biennial Conference titled “Sharing Memories, Shaping Possibilities” and hosted by Children’s Literature Hawai’i and UH Manoa, was held on the last weekend of June. Teachers, authors and illustrators gathered to discuss various topics specific to children’s literature and Hawai’i during this two day event culminating in a children’s fair […]

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