I dunno about everyone else, but I’m still recovering from this year’s schedule-busting Hawaii Book & Music Festival. But before those post-HBMF blues start here’s a few more big literary events coming up in the next few weeks. The Kauai Writer’s Conference is happening at the end of this month. Put those extra airline miles […]
On Saturday, March 15 from 9:00am to 4:30pm take your keiki to the zoo for some literary fun! Wild About Reading at the Honolulu Zoo is the first-ever family read-aloud day at the Zoo. The focus will be on books about zoos and zoo animals. Featured readers and storytellers will entertain zoo-goers at various stations located […]
Looking for a great deal on some children’s and young adult titles? Then you might want to visit UH today and tomorrow for the Children’s Literature Hawaii Used Book Sale! Here are some of the details: Who: Children’s Literature Hawaii Date: Thursday & Friday, April 25-26, 2013 Time: 10 am to 5 pm Location: University of […]
Children Literature Hawaii (CLH) is hosting a children’s book sale to help raise funds for the June 2012 Biennial Conference. There will be good deals on previously-owned children and young adult titles and we encourage people of all ages to drop by and take a look. This sale isn’t just for parents! CLH hopes people […]
It’s time…it’s time…it’s Book End Time! Welcome to this week’s Book End, highlighting the weekend’s literary and library events here in Hawaii. First off, here’s your chance to help your favorite literary rodent! Esteemed author Frances H. Kakugawa is asking anyone who has ever read and enjoyed Wordworth’s tales to “Like” the official Wordsworth the […]
Monkey vs. Robot Reading Challenge update! If you’re just catching up, read the original post here. Monkey is in the lead this week. He had a great start with 609 pages read. Robot is behind with only 447 pages. There’s still a long way to go…and this robot knows for a fact the monkey will […]