More good advice from local authors in “Inspired in Hawaii” series
How can life’s setbacks inspire us to reach higher? Last weekend, Alex and I attended two of the sessions in the Clarence T.C. Ching Foundation’s “Inspired in Hawaii” speaker series at Barnes & Noble Ala Moana. A recap of the kickoff event with former Governors Cayetano and Ariyoshi can be found here. On Sunday morning, […]
Have you read former Governor Cayetano’s required High School reading?
Friday night, Alex and I went to the kick off of the Clarence T.C. Ching Foundation’s “Inspired in Hawaii” series. Along with several corporate sponsors and participation from Sacred Hearts Academy and Saint Louis High School, the “Inspired in Hawaii” essay/poster contest and speaker series brings together a host of professionals for a weekend long […]
Moʻomanaʻo Moʻokalaleo Pūnaewele o Hawaiʻi
Moʻomanaʻo Moʻokalaleo Pūnaewele o Hawaiʻi

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