Eddie Wen’ Go (keiki book review)

by Misty on September 29, 2012

There are few real life local heroes as well known as Eddie Aikau. A legendary waterman whose name is synonymous with courage and sacrifice, his tale is both sad and uplifting the way many ocean tales are. In a beautiful picture book illustrated by Melissa Desica, author Marion Lyman-Mersereau captures this heroic story as no […]

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The rise of the “Book Trailer”

by Misty on October 18, 2010

Tis the season for new book releases. One of the things we enjoy here at HBB is discussing trends in publishing, reading and technology. Right now, a particular trend has got us excited to see what’s next. If the movies have them, video games have them, and prime time tv shows have them… why not books? We’re […]

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