Ewa Which Way (Book Review)

by Alex on June 16, 2014

NOTE: This review originally appeared in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. The best Hawaiʻi fiction provides a sense of place, a sense of time and an authentic representation of the collective local culture. Tyler Miranda’s debut novel, ‘Ewa Which Way (Bamboo Ridge Press, $18) accomplishes all of these checkpoints and more, treating readers to a rich, fulfilling experience of […]

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Must Have Fiction and Events!

by Alex on April 17, 2013

There are a number of excellent books coming out from local publishers, including some really terrific first novels from talented writers. This spring, we are blessed with two of the best Hawaii novels I’ve read in recent memory. While there are many other books that deserve mentioning—and I will do so at some point—I really […]

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