Book review: Cold Magic

by Misty on April 15, 2011

It’s no secret that my “to-read” list is like an everlasting gobstopper on steroids. However, I must confess, that I have more than one list. There’s a list of books that I “have to read”. These are usually for the blog or other projects I’m working on. Then there’s the books I “should read”, you […]

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Mailbox Treasure – George R.R. Martin

by Alex on October 17, 2010

Check out the treasures I’ve received in the mail the last few weeks!  The last piece I finally pulled from my mailbox today and in gratitude I wanted to post about it and thank the giveaway host. Back during Book Blogger Appreciation Week (BBAW), a blogger who goes by the name of Maischeph hosted a […]

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