We seem to be experiencing some technical difficulties with the formatting of our website. On occasion I have noticed when loading Hawaii Book Blog, the page comes out very roughly formatted, yet there are other times when everything looks perfectly fine. However, wanting the site to be 100% user friendly, you may notice that we may be […]
Hawaii Book Blog has returned from their sojourn in Las Vegas, the 9th Hawaiian Island, refreshed and ready to get back into Hawaii books and events! The big news this week is that Hawaii is the winner of the First Book “What Book Got You Hooked?” campaign which will give 50,000 new books to underprivileged […]
The big news for Hawaii Book Blog is that we will be on vacation for the next week! We will be going to Las Vegas tonight for a much needed break from the daily grind. Two red eyes going and coming on Hawaiian Airlines will buffer an exciting trip where we’ll get to see the […]
posted by A.Alba If Season 3 of American Idol proved anything, it’s that the people of Hawaii can band together and show the strength, support and unity of `ohana that only our state can do. Jasmine Trias probably wasn’t considered one of the top three Idol contestants that year, but because of the passionate support […]