Literary Loot: Hawaii book stuff on ETSY!

by Misty on August 2, 2010

I love ETSY! If you’re unfamiliar with the site it’s basically an online community where you buy and sell handmade goods in virtual “shops”. Bewarned, ETSY is addicting and you’ll want everything, but it’s amazing to see the ingenious ways people create things. Here are a few local literary items I found on the site […]

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Homemade valentines!

by Misty on February 10, 2010

There’s something to be said for the simple things in life. Sometimes the smallest gestures mean the most, and the humblest of gifts are better than the expensive, ostentatious ones. Like in the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” when Paul engraves the ring from the CrackerJack box so that Holly could have something from her favorite store (*girlish sigh*). Most […]

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