Keiki book review: Up in the Hawaiian Sky
Happy Young Reader’s Day! It is part of National Young Readers Week started in 1989 by Pizza Hut and the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress. Visit the Book It Program website for free stories and printables to share with the kids. Here’s a new keiki book review to help you celebrate! Up […]
Good As Gone (Book Review)
The first book in Hawaiʻi based author Douglas Corleone’s new series has been out for a few weeks and it’s gaining a lot of well-deserved momentum. If there was ever any question of Corleone’s skill as a mystery and suspense writer then skeptics need look no further than the first paragraph of Good As Gone (2013, […]
Haleakala: A History of the Maui Mountain (book review)
Standing at the summit of Haleakalā, cradled in clouds with their shifting colors and shapes, is like being in another world. You really feel that it’s a place of power and importance. This gorgeous book all about Haleakalā is the latest from boutique publisher Maui Island Press and author Jill Engledow. It shows us the […]
You Will Call Me Drog (book review)
What would you do if you had a problem and no one believed you? Hawaiʻi author Sue Cowing‘s middle-grade novel You Will Call Me Drog (Lerner Publishing, 2011) is a story about a boy stuck in more ways than one. Parker is eleven years old, he does okay in school but doesn’t particularly like it, and […]
Book Review – Big Happiness: The Life and Death of a Modern Hawaiian Warrior
“Should I stay, or should I go?” It’s a question every young person from Hawaiʻi struggles with–a question Alex and I still ponder. Should I stay here with friends, family and a place that is as much a part of me as the bones in my body? Or should I go somewhere with bigger adventures and broader […]
Book review & event info: Kaka‘ako As We Knew It
Whenever friends come to Hawaii to visit, my inner trolley driver comes out and I share whatever stories and info I have about the different places and buildings we see. When we pass the old Kaka‘ako Pumping Station, with its large dusty windows and rough stone walls I always tell them, “this is one of […]
Keiki book review: Merrie the Little Hula Dancer
Just in time for the Merrie Monarch Festival, we thought we’d share with you a new keiki book from Mutual Publishing. Merrie the Little Hula Dancer, written and illustrated by Maureen Quemada, is a colorful picture book about the joy of dancing hula and sharing that joy with others. Merrie is a lonely hula girl dancing by herself. One […]
Book event & review: Night on Fire
A Review for Night on Fire Obnoxious Lead Characters We Love to Hate–An Essay MaiTai’s Aren’t Hawaiian: Cocktails & Misconceptions in Paradise Manwhoring: Male Promiscuity in Fiction Just kidding 😉 A Review for Night on Fire Sequels can be tricky. On one hand they’re harder to write, especially when the predecessor is an award winner. You have to keep […]
Book Event & Review: Coming Home – A Practical and Compassionate Guide to caring for a Dying Loved One
Deborah Duda, a Kauaʻi resident and author, not long ago released the revised and updated fourth edition of Coming Home – A Practical and Compassionate Guide to Caring for a Dying Loved One (Synergy Books, Paperback, October 2010, $16.95). [gn_quote] My mentors for the first [edition], in 1981, were Mother Teresa and Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. [/gn_quote] […]
Book review: Cold Magic
It’s no secret that my “to-read” list is like an everlasting gobstopper on steroids. However, I must confess, that I have more than one list. There’s a list of books that I “have to read”. These are usually for the blog or other projects I’m working on. Then there’s the books I “should read”, you […]
Book review: How to Be an American Housewife
One thing Americans and Japanese have in common is their can–do spirit. In America, you will find your hard work rewarded as it is in Japan. How fitting that America should have been the only one who could defeat Japan. —from the fictional book ‘How to be an American Housewife’ mentioned in the novel Summary: […]
Moʻomanaʻo Moʻokalaleo Pūnaewele o Hawaiʻi
Moʻomanaʻo Moʻokalaleo Pūnaewele o Hawaiʻi

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