Free your creativity! Book Review: Prescriptions for Living a Creative Life

by Misty on July 20, 2010

How often do you think (or hear other people say), “I wish I could be more creative?” I am always amazed at how creative people can be. Like my grandfather who once fixed a washing machine with a milk cap. Like local author Lisa Linn Kanae with her hilarious and brilliant use of simile, or Lee Cataluna and […]

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March is Arts & Crafts Month!

by Misty on March 31, 2010

Whew! March was a busy month for us and this last week there seemed to be a void in motivation on my part. But it’s only the 31st so it’s not quite over yet and I have one more day to squeeze in a post! March is (was) arts and crafts month and aside from […]

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Book review: A Grain of Sand

by Misty on March 6, 2010

“To see the world in a grain of  sand…” is how William Blake begins his famous poem Auguries of Innocence. And it’s also how this book is introduced. Sometimes there’s limitless beauty in the smallest of things. At the Hawaii Maritime Center there used to be an interactive display about the different kinds of sand […]

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Book Review: Westlake: Poems by Wayne Kaumualii Westlake, edited by Mei-Li M. Siy and Richard Hamasaki

by Dawn on October 6, 2009

posted by D. Sueoka   Westlake: Poems by Wayne Kaumualii Westlake compiles poems written between the late 1960s and 1984, when Westlake was killed in a car accident on the Big Island. It includes translations of Han Shan, concrete poems, a manifesto, and the series “Down on the Sidewalk in Waikīkī.” These are poems about […]

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