Book review: Cold Magic

by Misty on April 15, 2011

It’s no secret that my “to-read” list is like an everlasting gobstopper on steroids. However, I must confess, that I have more than one list. There’s a list of books that I “have to read”. These are usually for the blog or other projects I’m working on. Then there’s the books I “should read”, you […]

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Poetry & Prose: A review of ‘Ho’okupu’

by Misty on April 13, 2011

[gn_frame align=”right”][/gn_frame]Hoʻokupu: An Offering of Literature by Native Hawaiian Women (Mutual Publishing, 2009) won two Ka Palapala Poʻokela Honorable Mentions last year in both Hawaiian Culture and Literature. It’s a collection of short stories, chants, poems  and plays that focus on life and culture in contemporary Hawaiʻi. The writing in this book is incredibly candid […]

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March is Arts & Crafts Month!

by Misty on March 31, 2010

Whew! March was a busy month for us and this last week there seemed to be a void in motivation on my part. But it’s only the 31st so it’s not quite over yet and I have one more day to squeeze in a post! March is (was) arts and crafts month and aside from […]

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