“The Creativity Salon” is a half hour television show airing on local public access television, OAHU 52. It was created by host Neil Tepper as a communications program to “celebrate the creative arts and the art of living a creative life.” Tepper is also author of the book Prescriptions for Living a Creative Life: Simple […]
If you’ve never been to one of the fantastic events at Native Books – Nā Mea Hawaiʻi, then auwē! You have no idea what you’re missing out on. A couple weeks ago, we went to the book launch of Hawaiian Surfing: Traditions from the Past by John R.K. Clark [read our review]. It was definitely […]
[gn_quote]Surfing is Hawaiʻi’s gift to the world. Actually, board sports are Hawaiʻi’s gift to the world, so that includes surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, kite surfing, windsurfing—basically anything that’s done on a board, the concept came out of Hawaiʻi and went around the world. –Stuart Holmes Coleman, HBB Interview[/gn_quote] Between Isaiah Walker’s excellent Waves of Resistance [read our […]