Book Event & Review: Coming Home – A Practical and Compassionate Guide to caring for a Dying Loved One
by Misty
on April 20, 2011
Deborah Duda, a Kauaʻi resident and author, not long ago released the revised and updated fourth edition of Coming Home – A Practical and Compassionate Guide to Caring for a Dying Loved One (Synergy Books, Paperback, October 2010, $16.95). [gn_quote] My mentors for the first [edition], in 1981, were Mother Teresa and Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. [/gn_quote] […]
Moʻomanaʻo Moʻokalaleo Pūnaewele o Hawaiʻi
Moʻomanaʻo Moʻokalaleo Pūnaewele o Hawaiʻi

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