Guest Post: Margaret Dilloway & The trouble with writing in Hawaii

by Guest Post on August 4, 2010

  I am addicted to author blogs. All the big-wigs in publishing say that it’s not enough to simply author a novel anymore (as if that isn’t hard enough) but that writers have to market themselves and their books by creating a platform accessible to readers. You can tell a lot about an author from their blog…like Margaret Dilloway’s. […]

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Author Interview: Margaret Dilloway

by Misty on July 29, 2010

As promised, following our review of the upcoming novel How to Be an American Housewife (if you missed it, you can still read it here), here’s our interview with author Margaret Dilloway! You can follow her blog or catch updates on the book’s Facebook page. Also this Thursday, August 5th at 7pm in the Ala Moana […]

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Book review: How to Be an American Housewife

by Misty on July 28, 2010

One thing Americans and Japanese have in common is their can–do spirit. In America, you will find your hard work rewarded as it is in Japan. How fitting that America should have been the only one who could defeat Japan. —from the fictional book ‘How to be an American Housewife’ mentioned in the novel Summary: […]

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