One of the books recommended to us by Manoa Library Branch Manager Christel Collins, as part of our Library Tour Challenge, is the latest historic composition of Gavan Daws. Wayfinding Through the Storm (Watermark, 2009) is one of the most unique books I’ve ever read. With the subtitle “Speaking Truth to Power at Kamehameha Schools […]
First off, I hope everybody is enjoying the holiday season! It’s been very fun, but very busy for both Misty and I. You may have noticed we’ve been on a slight hiatus the last two weeks and one of the casualties of the rigors of holiday is our Library Tour. We started our Hawaii Public […]
There is a great sense of preservation at Kaneohe Library. When speaking with Thomas Churma, we felt that under his management the library had a strong sense of safeguarding its past by balancing it with technology of the present. There is no greater example of this focus than in Thomas Churma’s goal of digitizing the […]
posted by M.L. Sanico I think one of the first things we started realizing about the Hawaii State Public Library System (the only statewide public library system in the United States) is that its greatest resources are its employees. We’ve met wonderful people who enjoy their jobs and care about their communities—librarians and aids who […]
Since starting our Hawaii State Public Library Challenge Tour, we have learned a great deal about our state library system. We’ve learned about how they categorize and display books, what kinds of programs and services are commonly and uniquely offered, which branches have special collections, and that children’s books are often the bread and butter […]
Libraries are often very busy on Saturdays and not all branches have the luxury of being open on a weekend, so we try to visit most locations during the week. One of the challenges we have in our Library Tour is traveling by car from the Honolulu Airport area (where we both work full-time) to each of the […]
Coming into this Library Tour Challenge we knew it wouldn’t be easy to accomplish, that there would be some bumps along the way, and that with Hawai’i’s libraries struggling we’d have to be flexible. We knew not all locations would be easy to visit, and that people might not have time to talk to us. […]
posted by D.Sueoka A few Wednesdays ago, Misty, Alex, and I made the trek over the Pali to visit the Waimānalo Public and School Library. The library is located at 41-1320 Kalaniana‘ole Highway. Stately banyan trees shelter the entrance and parking lot, and there’s a spectacular view of the Ko‘olau Mountains. The Building One of […]
posted by A.Alba Kailua Public Library is the next stop on Hawaii Book Blog’s Hawaii Public Library Challenge Tour. We drove up to the Windward side on a beautiful Saturday morning, hoping to catch some breakfast and run a few errands while we were there. Unfortunately our first stop, the much lauded Boots & Kimo’s restaurant, was jam-packed on the inside […]
As a part of our Hawaii Public Library Challenge Tour, we ask each librarian for one book recommendation for us to read and review. For Diane Masaki from Aiea Library, we talked about a number of books, but she told us her favorite book to read was The Musubi Man because she “can work the […]