Stories of Aloha comes to Hilo
News Release via Hula Moon Press: Stories of Aloha: Homegrown Treasures of Hawai’i Comes to Hilo Island author Jocelyn Fujii will sign copies of her 2009 bestselling book, Stories of Aloha: Homegrown Treasures of Hawai‘i, at Book Gallery in Hilo, 259 Keawe St., at noon November 26. In this updated compilation of articles written […]
Stories of Aloha Giveaway!
First off, I want to send a big mahalo out to everybody involved with the special Stories of Aloha book distribution and signing event for former Aloha Airlines (AQ) employees. This event was put together thanks to Jocelyn Fujii, Hula Moon Press, Lokahi for Aloha Fund, and Aloha Air Cargo who hosted the event on their […]
Book End: Weekend of Oct. 17
Another hectic week has passed and we feel we are constantly busy, not only with blog-related events but also a number of other things. It’s always difficult around the holidays to find the time for everything you want to do, but we are still working hard on completing our Hawaii Public Library Challenge Tour, so look out […]
Book Review: Stories of Aloha by Jocelyn Fujii
[gn_quote]This is a story of those who define Hawaiʻi. This is a story of Aloha.[/gn_quote] It goes without saying that anyone who lived in Hawaiʻi knows Aloha Airlines was one of its long-standing institutions, one that served the Hawaiian Islands for over 61 years spreading the spirit of Aloha across the state and around the […]
Rec-fest Book 2/8: Pono, the Dog that Dreams
posted by A.Alba As I scour the bookshelves of Hawaii’s own children’s books, I notice how distinguishing the covers of these books are compared to their grown-up counterparts. Browsing through these lively and colorful exteriors makes me feel like a kid again; perusing through a store of eye candy, trying to figure out which confection […]
The “Spirit of Aloha” continues to soar in an upcoming book release!
For 61 years, Aloha Airlines flew the skies of Hawaii, presenting the travelers of the state with a culture of Aloha not found on any other airline. Between the islands or across the Pacific Ocean, Aloha Airlines always provided in-flight services that helped to celebrate and preserve various aspects of Hawaiian culture. First published in 1978 by Honolulu Publishing Company, […]
Moʻomanaʻo Moʻokalaleo Pūnaewele o Hawaiʻi
Moʻomanaʻo Moʻokalaleo Pūnaewele o Hawaiʻi

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