Kamehameha: The Rise of a King (book review)

by Misty on June 11, 2014

In the final, dramatic pages of  Kamehameha: The Rise of a King (Kamehameha Publishing, 2013) author David Kāwika Eyre elegantly writes what the last moments of life may have been like for Kamehameha I–the beloved chief’s parting words of wisdom and guidance for his people summarizing all that he fought to accomplish. However, it was these words […]

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Book Release: A Pocket Guide to the Battle of Nuuanu

by Alex on July 30, 2010

*The following is a press release from Mutual Publishing HONOLULU—Mutual Publishing and historian Neil Bernard Dukas are proud to announce the publication of A Pocket Guide to the Battle of Nu‘uanu, an easy-to-follow and richly illustrated guide to this historic battle and its tragic conclusion. Many are familiar with Herb Kawainui Kāne’s iconic painting, “The […]

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Happy Kamehameha Day!

by Misty on June 11, 2009

In celebration of Kamehameha Day Native Books: Na Mea Hawaii is selling all books about Kamehameha the Great at 20% off for the entire month of June! Some favorites you might want to look at are Kamehameha the Warrior King of Hawaii by Susan Morrison and Breaking the Blood: Kamehameha Moves the Naha Stone by […]

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