2011 Ka Palapala Awards Nominees: Children’s Illustrative/Photographic Books

by Alex on April 25, 2011

The 2011 Ka Palapala Poʻokela Awards gala is coming soon (Friday, May 6) and to generate excitement for the event as well as educate the public on the nominees, I am doing a countdown, quickly highlighting the books nominated for each awards category.  Where applicable, I will link to keiki book reviews from Hawaii Book […]

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Keiki book review: Kekoa and the Egg Mystery

by Misty on February 3, 2011

You know how it is when something is bugging you, it haunts you wherever you go? Everything somehow reminds you of that thing? You notice things you never noticed before. Or when you’re on a diet and have a craving suddenly everywhere you look people are eating ono food? Well, that’s the basic premise of […]

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New children’s books from BeachHouse

by Alex on October 21, 2010

News Releases via BeachHouse Publishing Lio the Carousel Horse Illustrator Ruth Moen has teamed up with her sister, Carol Moen Wing, to create a new children’s book that introduces kids to Hawai‘i through a horse’s eyes—Lio the Carousel Horse—and introduces the concept of discovering one’s place in the world. Lio is a carousel horse at […]

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