[gn_divider /] Hearing the title of this book most people will automatically recall the epic James Michener novel—the one spawning multiple films, the one always recommended by tourists to people on Internet travel forums who ask “What Hawaii books should I read before/during my trip to paradise?” So, for Lō‘ihi Press and Mark Panek to call […]
There are a number of excellent books coming out from local publishers, including some really terrific first novels from talented writers. This spring, we are blessed with two of the best Hawaii novels I’ve read in recent memory. While there are many other books that deserve mentioning—and I will do so at some point—I really […]
It’s time…it’s time…it’s Book End Time! Welcome to this week’s Book End, highlighting the week’s literary and library events here in Hawaii. Here’s some interesting book news first: Digital Menehune I received word from J. Arthur Rath III that his latest book, Being Menehune, My Journal was recently released as an e-book (it’s coming out […]
No doubt some of the biggest crowds and longest lines will be found waiting to see Rosanne Barr, Sarah Vowell and Maya Soetoro Ng, but that doesn’t mean you should overlook some of the excellent author discussions that will be happening all over the Hawaii Book & Music Festival. Here are some of the authors […]