A few weeks ago in one of my Friday Book Beginnings I wrote about a new novel, Tweakerville by Alexei Melnick. In my post I mentioned the unique narration; the harsh, almost unnerving attention to detail of drug culture; and an underlying theme that this book’s lawless Hawaii is almost visible beneath our noses: “if you knew […]
– Well it’s another week closer to the end of 2010 and I dunno about you but I am nowhere near prepared for the holidays. I feel like it’s still August and yet, here we are already on week two of HBB’s Cookbook Countdown to New Year! If you missed week 1, go back and […]
The thing about the holidays, or the entire months of November and December, is that the house is perpetually filled with yummy smells. Family gatherings and food are so much a part of the season, one undoubtedly finds oneself being lenient with their calorie restrictions and promising to work double hard in the new year. […]
Just in time for the holiday season, Mutual Publishing has come out with a handful of promising new keiki books! Hawaiiana children’s books are always so much fun to read especially since the quality of said keiki books produced here have been improving exponentially with diverse and intelligent story-lines and sophisticated illustrations. In Maile and […]
Misty and I love Halloween, it’s one of our favorite celebrations during the year. When October comes, the thought of ghosts, ghouls, demons and witches fill our creative heads as we work with her family to construct a frightening but fun experience for the children trick-or-treating in her neighborhood. Naturally, we love listening to ghost stories, watching […]
I wanted to honor Teen Read Week by reading and reviewing some exceptional Hawaii fiction. Given my limited amount of time in planning this, I quickly perused through Mutual Publishing’s fiction section and found two books that caught my eye. While they didn’t necessarily mesh with the National Teen Read Week theme of “Books With […]
… the Honolulu house was condemned by the Territory of Hawai’i for a highway, a main artery to bring in office workers from the country to the city. Never before had residents lost houses to a highway; they received various explanations on embossed letterhead in long legal envelopes. … Gloria cried on her bed. …The […]
Those of us watching the recent episode of Hawaii Five-O last night were hard pressed not to notice the grassy hills and stoic marble buildings of the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. Generous (and gorgeous) shots of the iconic Honolulu Memorial at Punchbowl served as a backdrop for the sibling reunion of Lt. Steve […]
Book Beginnings on Friday is a meme hosted by Becky at Page Turners. Anyone can participate; just share the opening sentence of your current read, making sure that you include the title and author so others know what you’re reading. If you like, share with everyone why you do, or do not, like the sentence. […]