Guest Post (part 2): A Haole Reads
A Haole Writes…A Haole Reads Paul G. Bens Jr. And that is when I became fascinated with Hawai‘i, the history of it, the literature, the people. I began devouring everything I could read or listen to about the Islands. (continued from part 1) At first, this was frustrating to me. All I could find […]
Guest Post (part 1): A Haole Writes…
A Haole Writes… Paul G. Bens Jr. Home. Such a simple word, but one with amazing power; a word that evokes the strongest of feelings in each and every one of us, whether it is a place we run to or run from. For me, it’s a vastly comforting word. There are few places that […]
Introducing guest blogger: Paul G. Bens Jr.
It’s been awhile since we’ve had a guest blog post. The last time was author Margaret Dilloway who blogged about the joys and challenges of novel writing while living in Hawai’i [read post here]. We like to have guests post because it helps us gain new perspectives on local literature and encourages us to recognize different points […]
Moʻomanaʻo Moʻokalaleo Pūnaewele o Hawaiʻi
Moʻomanaʻo Moʻokalaleo Pūnaewele o Hawaiʻi

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