2013 Poem In Your Pocket–Hawaii Edition

by Misty on April 18, 2013

We’re so excited for our 2nd Annual Poem in Your Pocket Hawai’i Edition! This year we got some national recognition from Poets.org. They helped us spread our virtual aloha shirt pocket to others on Twitter (see screen cap below) and it was well received. This is just the beginning, with your participation we hope to […]

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Calling for poetry submissions! 2nd Annual Poem in Your Aloha-Shirt Pocket Day

by Misty on March 13, 2013

April is National Poetry Month and Thursday, April 18th is National Poem in Your Pocket Day. Poem in Your Pocket Day is a great way to celebrate poetry as a part of our everyday lives. It encourages everyone to carry a poem in their pocket to share it with people they come across during the […]

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Wanted: Poetry submissions for Poem In Your Aloha-shirt Pocket Day

by Misty on April 9, 2012

August 26th is National “Poem In Your Pocket Day”! Hawaii Book Blog is going to celebrate by collecting local poems and putting them into a virtual aloha shirt pocket. When you click it a poem is chosen at random for you to enjoy!  Originally we were just going to include some poems from W.S. Merwin, […]

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