Watermark Publishing’s GIVABLE Gift Baskets

by Misty on November 13, 2014

Are you looking for that perfect present for the holidays? Watermark Publishing just might have what you are looking for. Watermark is known locally for the production value they put into their books, and these special gift sets–available at Holiday Prices at the HBPA Book & Gift Sale this Saturday, November 15–are no exception. We really appreciate how […]

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The Hawaiian Survival Handbook (Book review)

by Misty on September 17, 2014

Survival and preparedness guides have gained a lot of popularity in the last few years, becoming a part of pop culture with the broadcast of reality shows like Doomsday Preppers and apocalyptic dramas like The Walking Dead. The Hawaiian Survival Handbook (Watermark Publishing, 2014) by Brother Noland has all the necessities of a mainstream survival guide, […]

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