7 DIY Valentine Bookmarks!

by Misty on January 25, 2012

I know it’s a little early, but I wanted to send this out with plenty of time before Valentine’s. It’s a holiday that takes a pretty brutal beating by the cynics but I love Valentine’s Day with all the pretty colors and hearts. I love books too, so naturally I was drawn to all these cute […]

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Heating up Valentine’s Day: Book recommendations on Pele Goddess of Fire

by Misty on February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine’s Day I don’t think there’s any other “holiday” that can inspire such a variety of opinions and reactions in people like Valentine’s Day does. It’s often the holiday people love to hate, an excuse to take their cynicism to obnoxious levels. While I certainly agree that it’s one of our most commercial occasions, I still love Valentine’s […]

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Homemade valentines!

by Misty on February 10, 2010

There’s something to be said for the simple things in life. Sometimes the smallest gestures mean the most, and the humblest of gifts are better than the expensive, ostentatious ones. Like in the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” when Paul engraves the ring from the CrackerJack box so that Holly could have something from her favorite store (*girlish sigh*). Most […]

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